End of week 9 – reflections

Well with the end of week 9 came the end of my first training programme working with a coach. And what a rollercoaster it has been!

I’ve struggled, I’ve triumphed, I’ve huffed, I’ve learned. I’ve doubted myself. I’ve doubted the process. But I’ve kept going, and I’m a better lifter, and person, for it.

I’ve learned new exercises, I’ve corrected significant faults in technique. I’ve added weight to my body and occasionally some to the bar.

With all of these learnings behind me it’s now time to gird my loins and ready myself for my first proper prep – previously I kept going with linear progression right up until the comp. I’m nervous but excited again, and looking forward to what the next 13 weeks has to bring. I’ll be sharing my insights on here.

Lift well,
