It’s 4am on Monday morning and I’m awakened by a big rainstorm starting outside. I turn over and go back to sleep.
It’s 4.15am Monday morning, and my wife and I are awakened by a slow but steady drip landing between us on the bed. After scrambling to get the lights on we can see it’s coming from the ceiling.
It’s 4.17am and I ascend the ladder into the loft, to find that the builders had left the window open more than half way, meaning said rainstorm was merrily making its way into our loft.
It’s 4.20am and I’ve secured the window, checked the others and I’m satisfied we are watertight again.
Now, what do I do? Go back to bed and toss and turn for 40 minutes until the alarm ‘wakes’ me?
No, I got up, took the dog out even earlier than usual, was in the gym just after five and it meant my session wasn’t as time pressured as usual and I was still back in the house before the first child had stirred and wanted their breakfast.
Every crisis presents you with a choice – grumble and grouse about the unfairness of the situation and focus on what you could or should have been doing instead – or look for the positives. Seize the opportunities. Make the most of the time that you have.
I hope that you’ll join me in seeing the opportunity in every crisis.
Lift well,