So I’m currently into week 6 of my off season training.
I spent the first 3 weeks doing only heavy carries, cable and dumbell work plus some light barbell work but no competition style lifting. I’m now back to doing the 4 workouts a week focused on squat, Bench, deadlift and overhead press. Each done at the end of the workout after pre exhaustive work on areas of weakness.
I have some big goals next year. I will be taking part in the ppc ( professional powerlifting championship) which kicks off with the kern US open in April. Hosted in San Diego, California.
To qualify to compete you have to be ranked in the current top 20 lifters of all time based on Wilks. I’m currently 7/20. I’m pretty stoked to even be going but my goal is to podium (place top3)
I’m going to start a vlog tracking the rest of my Off-season and my prep into the kern. From full on training sessions to my average day of eating/training and recovery
Amazing to have even qualified for the PPC and I’m excited to see what you achieve in the season ahead – and following the behind the scenes story through the vlogs.